Pink Elegance Bouquet
- In stock
This stunning bouquet features a lush arrangement of pink roses, carnations, and eucalyptus, wrapped beautifully in a soft pink paper for a chic and romantic presentation. Perfect for special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, or simply to show love and appreciation.
With free same-day delivery across Orange County, Lattes Floral Studio guarantees freshness and quality. Add a personal touch by uploading a photo to be included with your gift at no extra charge. Brighten someone’s day with this elegant floral arrangement!
Small - 25 flowers.
Medium - 55 flowers (photo displays)
Large - 75 flowers.
Contains approximately
Add a Personal Touch to Your Order
Care Guide
Tidy Up
Keep your bouquet fresh by removing any wilting flowers. Maintain the beauty and longevity of your floral arrangement easily.
Flowers in a box?
Your box has floral foam soaked with water for fresh flowers. Add water every other day to keep them hydrated.
Flowers in a vase?
Trim stems diagonally every 2 days, change the water and add the included flower food to keep them vibrant.
Find a Cozy Spot
Keep your flowers in a cool, shady spot to maintain their beauty and freshness. Avoid direct sunlight.