Luxury Red Roses Bouquet
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Indulge in the beauty and romance of our LUXURY RED ROSES BOUQUET. This stunning hand-tied tall bouquet features long stem red roses that stand at an impressive height of 60-80 cm, making it perfect for any occasion. Express your love and affection with this classic and elegant bouquet, available in customizable options of 25 or 100 roses. With various packaging options and your choice of wrapping color, it's the perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or simply to show your love and care.
Occasions: This luxurious bouquet of red roses is perfect for special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and Valentine's Day. Whether you're apologizing, showing love to your girlfriend, or asking for someone's hand in marriage, these beautiful roses will make a lasting impression.
Sizes: Available in customizable options of 25 and 100 roses
Choice: Wrapping Colors
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Care Guide
Tidy Up
Keep your bouquet fresh by removing any wilting flowers. Maintain the beauty and longevity of your floral arrangement easily.
Flowers in a box?
Your box has floral foam soaked with water for fresh flowers. Add water every other day to keep them hydrated.
Flowers in a vase?
Trim stems diagonally every 2 days, change the water and add the included flower food to keep them vibrant.
Find a Cozy Spot
Keep your flowers in a cool, shady spot to maintain their beauty and freshness. Avoid direct sunlight.